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Bibles, Evangeliaries, Breviaries and Books of Hours
Concept and scientific coordination by Prof. Carla Rossi
Academic Year 2021-2022
(w. university credits)

Seminario 21-22 Bibles, Evangeliaries, Breviaries and Books of Hours
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Prof  Lucinia Speciale

Prof Lucinia Speciale

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Prof Planas Badenas

Prof Planas Badenas

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In the academic year 21-22, RECEPTIO is organising once again its annual public seminar on codicology. This year the focus will be on liturgical books. The meetings are FREE and will be held via Zoom every Thursday from 11 November 2021 to 26 May 2022 (with training credits for University students at Bachelor and Master level).

The seminar is part of a more articulated Course in Applied Codicology for Auction Houses and Antiquarian Galleries, organised by the RECEPTIO centre over a 3-year period, and is presented as a series of conferences that bring together contributions from speakers from various universities on the theme of Bibles, Evangeliaries, Breviaries and Books of Hours.


The seminar meetings take place every Thursday from 5pm to 7pm from November to June


Date: 11 November 2021

Introduction, in Italian, to the seminar, presentation of the program and of the seminar-related activities .

Date: 18 November 2021

Lecturer:  Rebekah Cochell

Adjunct Instructor at Liberty University’s School of Digital and Studio Arts Department (Lynchburg, Virginia). 

Language: English

Title: The Book of Kells as a Semiotic Model for Modern Book Design

AbstractThe graphic design of a book affects the way the reader receives and processes information. However, design is often focused on aesthetic principles and traditional wisdom, not considering how design aspects affect cognitive processes and educational outcomes. Medieval manuscript design encouraged a reading culture nurtured by deep, contemplative and slow reading methods, enhanced by semiotic images, text and design. This presentation examines the efficacy of page design elements on educational outcomes, specifically disfluent fonts, handwritten fonts and multi-modal design and explores how medieval illuminated manuscripts, such as the Book of Kells, can influence modern design.

Date: 25 November 2021

Lecturer:  Gianluca Millesoli

Università di Siena

Language: Italian

TitleDal Sacramentario al Messale: i manoscritti toscani della transizione (secoli XI-XIII)

Abstract: L’origine delle diverse tipologie testuali, che caratterizzano la “biblioteca” entro cui confluiscono i diversi manoscritti liturgici medievali, affonda le sue radici in una tradizione orale che, all’alba della diffusione del cristianesimo, tra il bacino del Mediterraneo e il Medioriente, troverà ben presto un’elaborazione testuale scritta. Per porre fine alla dispersiva e rischiosa improvvisazione liturgica, troppo spesso foriera di elementi eterodossi, la liturgia latina veniva organizzata attraverso l’allestimento di veri e propri libri liturgici d’uso. Si trattava di libri "puri", nel senso che contenevano ciascuno una sola tipologia testuale della celebrazione e che quindi utili ad un unico ministro, preposto ad un solo ruolo. Alle soglie del secolo XI si assiste ad un fenomeno di fusione dei vari libri da messa: i testi confluiranno in un libro onnicomprensivo, contenente tutti gli elementi per la celebrazione dell’eucarestia, un libro “plenario”, il Messale. Il passaggio da una tipologia all’altra è stato segnato da una lenta transizione, un’unica transizione che si è manifestata in modi diversissimi, sia negli aspetti testuali, sia in quelli codicologici; la creazione di un corpus toscano di 106 testimonianze librarie, tra codici e frammenti di codice databili fra XI e XIV secolo, ne permette un’analisi puntuale.

Date: 2 December 2021

Lecturer:  Maggie Crosland

The Saint Louis Art Museum and Washington University in St. Louis 

Language: English

Title: Itinerancy and Devotional Efficacy in Late-Fourteenth Century Books of Hours

Abstract: As an object-type, the book of hours is often discussed in how they guide their users through time, presenting a devotional schedule that evokes the past to achieve spiritual goals in the future. This presentation, instead, will explore how the expectation of daily use that is inherent to a book of hours is sometimes articulated not only through the reinforcement of devotional time, but through evocations of different types of physical space. Focusing on a group of manuscripts made for members of the Valois family in the late fourteenth century, this paper will consider visual, archival, and codicological evidence to demonstrate that the near constant movements of figures like Philip the Bold and Jean de Berry served a critical role in the devotional efficacy of their illuminated prayer books. 

Date: 9 December 2021

Lecturer:  Hayarpi Hakobyan

Yerevan State University, Armenia
Language: English

Title: Medieval Armenian Gospel illumination in the Lake Van region
Abstract: The artistic character of Armenian illuminated manuscripts was often determined by the cultural environment and political situation of the region where the scriptorium was active. The Lake Van area, the former Vaspurakan province and domain of the Artsruni kings, after the fall of the kingdom in the 11th century, fell under Byzantine, Seljuk, Mongol dominations and was marked by a unique evolution of the arts. The local artistic traditions, enriched by cultural exchanges with Middle Eastern countries, were sufficiently alive to dispense with Byzantine art. We will attempt to reveal the artistic trends that characterized the Gospel illumination of the Lake Van region from the 13th century onwards.

Date: 16 December 2021

Lecturer: Carla Rossi

University of Zurich / Research centre for European Philological Tradition, London
Language: Italian

Title: The Brandenburg Gospel Lectionary
Abstract: The Brandenburg Gospel Lectionary is the greatest treasure of the Cathedral Chapter at Brandenburg. This impressive masterpiece from the late Romanesque period survived all the wars, fires and turmoils of history and has remained in its original destination and in the care of the same institution for more than 800 years. The manuscript will be on display at the Magdeburg exhibition 'With Bible and Spade', from September 8, 2021 to January 9, 2022.

Date: 13 January 2022

Lecturer:  Adrienn Orosz

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Language: English

Title: Introduction to some "mise en abyme" initials in Romanesque and Gothic Mss from England 

Abstract: Initials were illustrated with various motifs including floral elements, animals, humans, and fantastic beings. Historiated initials depicted also scenes that referred to stories from the Bible, thus elevating the letter to the plane of symbols. A special type of them, however, was much more than that: they foreshowed, summarised, or referred back to different points within the story. They were used like an emblem, similar to coats of arms adorned with a group of symbols. I examine these initials in my paper, offering their definition, and outlining their structure, typology, arrangement, and development in Romanesque and Gothic manuscripts from England.


Date: 20 January 2022  

Lecturer: Agnès Bos

Museum and Gallery Studies 

Co-Director, Museums, Galleries and Collections Institute

School of Art History  

University of St Andrews 

School of Art History, 79 North Street 

St Andrews, KY16 9AL, Fife, Scotland

Language: French

Title: L’évangéliaire de l’ordre du Saint-Esprit retrouvé

Abstract: L’ordre du Saint-Esprit, fondé par le roi de France Henri III en 1578, fut jusqu’à la Révolution française le principal ordre de chevalerie royal en France. Il se distinguait par une cérémonie annuelle particulièrement fastueuse au cours de laquelle les nouveaux chevaliers étaient reçus. Ils prêtaient serment au roi de France, chef de cet ordre, en posant les mains sur l’évangéliaire de l’ordre. J’ai récemment retrouvé ce manuscrit, réalisé à la fin du XVIe siècle et considéré comme perdu depuis le XIXe siècle, et je propose donc d’analyser sa création, son contenu et son usage au cours de l’histoire de l’ordre.

Date: 27 January 2022

Lecturer: Francesca Manzari

Professore associato, Sapienza Università di Roma

Language: Italian

Title: Libri d’ore e codici devozionali nell'Italia tardomedievale: tipologie di testi e ruolo delle immagini

Abstract: I libri per la devozione utilizzati in Italia nel tardo Medioevo presentano una varietà notevole rispetto alla produzione transalpina. I libri d’ore, infatti, non raggiungono qui la diffusione, ma neppure la standardizzazione che caratterizza quelli franco-fiamminghi. Nella penisola le letture alternative, per le pratiche devozionali, rimangono numerose nell’arco del Trecento. Sono proprio le immagini a modellare le differenti tipologie di testi, adattando i codici che li contengono all’uso per la devozione privata. L’intervento intende presentare questi fenomeni, che devono essere indagati in modo complessivo, per restituire l’immagine della multiforme galassia costituita da questi straordinari codici miniati.

Date: 17 March 2022

Lecturer: Morris M. Faierstein

M. M. Faierstein studied at the City College of New York, the Hebrew University, Yeshiva Pri Etz Hayyim (Jerusalem), Jewish Theological Seminary of America and received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Temple University in Philadelphia. In 2001, he was awarded an honorary D.D. by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. 

Language: English

Title: The Early Modern Yiddish Bible: From the Mirkevet ha-Mishneh to Blitz and Witzenhausen (1534–1686).

Abstract: The vernacular developed by the Jews living in the German-speaking lands was referred to as “Teutsch,” meaning translation. In the 18th century it began to be called Jüdisch-Deutsch (Jewish-German) and eventually received its modern name, Yiddish. However, unlike the earlier Bible translations, there is no significant tradition in the lands where German/Yiddish was spoken of translating the Torah or other parts of the Bible into the Jewish vernacular prior to the Early Modern period. Hebrew remained the language of the Bible and its study. There is a meager tradition of Yiddish biblical manuscripts, with the majority of the few surviving manuscripts dating from no earlier than the 15th century. Many of the surviving manuscripts are copies of published works from the 16th and even the 17th century. There has been no significant scholarship on this manuscript tradition. For this reason, this study will restrict itself to the printed Yiddish works from the Early Modern period relating to the Bible.

(External link:


Date: 24 March 2022

Lecturer: Teresa D'Urso

Professore associato, Università degli studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Language: Italian

TitleArte e devozione a Napoli al tempo di Roberto e Giovanna d’Angiò: la diffusione dei breviari miniati


Durante i regni di Roberto (1309-1343) e Giovanna d’Angiò (1343-1381), Napoli conobbe una significativa diffusione di lussuosi breviari miniati, destinati tanto a membri degli ordini mendicanti quanto a laici appartenenti alla nobiltà più vicina alla corte. Il fenomeno sembra riguardare in particolare le donne, tra le quali spiccano alcune clarisse del monastero del Corpus Christi, oggi meglio noto come Santa Chiara.

L’intervento analizzerà alcuni breviari miniati napoletani mettendo in luce le pratiche devozionali, le preferenze artistiche e le strategie di auto-rappresentazione dei loro possessori.

Date: 31 March 2022

Lecturer: Innocent Smith, op

Assistant Professor of Homiletics

St. Mary's Seminary and University

Baltimore, MD

Language: English

TitleBible-Missal-Breviaries and the Celebration of the Liturgy

Abstract: In the 13th century, many book makers experimented with combining the Bible with various types of liturgical texts. In this presentation, I will analyze two 13th century manuscripts which combine the Bible with the Missal and Breviary: Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, IL 34 and Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 236. These two manuscripts share in a wider tradition of Bible Missals, but are distinctive in also including texts for the Divine Office alongside those for the Mass. While representing distinct liturgical traditions, the manuscripts take similar approaches to the combination of liturgy and scripture

Date: 7 April 2022

Lecturers: Marilena Maniaci & Giulia Orofino

Professoresse ordinarie di Storia del libro manoscritto e di Storia dell’arte medievale

Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

Language: Italian

Title: La Bibbia a Montecassino. Il catalogo

Abstract: Per chi desideri esaminare i cambiamenti materiali, grafici, decorativi e testuali che interessano nel corso dei secoli l’allestimento della Bibbia manoscritta, Montecassino rappresenta un caso esemplare: il suo scriptorium ha promosso, come è noto, una forte e connotata tradizione locale, ma ha anche recepito e rielaborato influenze provenienti dall’esterno; la sua biblioteca ha inoltre accolto, già a partire dal medioevo, codici di diversa origine e provenienza. Il gran numero di testimoni biblici ancora conservati in loco, dalla distribuzione cronologica diversificata, prodotti nella stessa abbazia o nelle aree circostanti o pervenuti da diverse regioni dell’Italia e dell’Europa, fa di Montecassino un osservatorio privilegiato per illustrare le trasformazioni fisiche, testuali, grafiche e decorative, nonché i cambiamenti nell’uso del libro della Bibbia tra l’XI e il XIV secolo.


Date: 21 April 2022

Lecturer: Alessandra Perriccioli Saggese

professoressa ordinaria di Storia dell'Arte Medievale presso Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli e presso l’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Presidente della Società Internazionale di Storia della Miniatura.

Language: Italian

TitleLe Bibbie di Cristoforo Orimina

Abstract: Miniatore napoletano attivo nei decenni centrali del Trecento, appartenente ad una famiglia di pittori, Cristoforo Orimina fu a capo di una bottega che lavorò soprattutto per la corte napoletana. Il suo nome è noto grazie all'iscrizione apposta alla Bibbia di Malines (Lovanio, Universiteitsbibl., Fac.Theol., 1, c. 308v): "+ Hec est biblia magistri Nicolai de Alifio doctor(is) / + quam illuminavit de pincello (Christo)forus Orimina de Neapoli". La figura di Orimina, messa a fuoco nella sua complessità culturale da Bologna (1969) è stata ulteriormente approfondita, a partire dal 1979, da A. Perriccioli Saggese, con l'attribuzione di numerose opere.

Date: 28 April 2022

Lecturer: Orietta Da Rold

Dr Orietta Da Rold is Lecturer in Literature and Material Text, 1100 to 1500 at the University of Cambridge. She is the Co-Director (with Elaine Treharne) of the successful AHRC-funded project and e-book, English Manuscripts 1060 to 1220 and has recently edited the Cambridge Companion to British Manuscripts with Elaine Treharne.

TitleBreviaries and Bibles in Cambridge: Show and Tell

Abstract: The Show and Tell teaching methodology is well suited to bringing the audience closer to the manuscripts, even at a distance, via Zoom. 

Date: 12 May 2022

Lecturer: Megumi Tanabe

Docteur en Histoire de l’art Chargée de cours et de recherches non-titulaire à l’université Kansai (Japon)

Language: French

Title: La représentation des vœux dans les grandes Heures d’Anne de Bretagne.
Abstract: Malgré les nombreux travaux consacrés aux Grandes Heures d’Anne de Bretagne (Paris, 9474), il y reste encore beaucoup de points à éclaircir. Ma communication a pour but de proposer la datation la plus probable (1504-1507) de ce manuscrit et de mettre en relief les vœux d’Anne de Bretagne d’avoir deux héritiers légitimes, un pour le duché de Bretagne et un autre pour le royaume de France, en analysant les iconographies jamais abordées de ce point de vue et en comparant avec les manuscrits commandés par et/ou pour Louis XII. 

Date: 19 May 2022

Lecturer: Josefina Planas Badenas

Catedrática de Historia del Arte Medieval, Universitat de Lleida

Language: Spanish

Title: Singularidades de los libros de horas iluminados en la Corona de Aragón y en la Corona de Castilla durante los siglos medievales

Abstract: Una característica fundamental, persistente en los libros de horas confeccionados al sur de los Pirineos, es la presencia de una serie de variantes textuales e iconográficas ajenas a las clasificaciones efectuadas por el abate Víctor Leroquais en su magna obra Les livres d’Heures manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale, 3 volúmenes, París 1927 y el Supplément aux livres d’heures manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Mâcon, 1943. Nuestra exposición versará sobre las singularidades manifiestas en los libros de horas iluminados en las dos coronas de la Península Ibérica durante el período tardo-gótico. La interpretación de las imágenes que los ilustran y los textos específicos que les sirven de base se efectuará a luz de la sensibilidad religiosa de la época, expresada por teólogos y moralistas coetáneos.

Date: 26 May 2022

Lecturer: Lucinia Speciale

Language: Italian

Title: Il ritratto di Marco nel Codex Purpureus di Rossano. Dal testimone al filosofo.

Abstract: Il codice purpureo di Rossano conserva l’esempio più antico di una tipologia iconografica - quella dell’evangelista al lavoro - destinata a conoscere una straordinaria fortuna nella tradizione illustrativa del tetravangelo. L’immagine di Marco che introduce al testo omonimo è verosimilmente l’unico superstite del set di ritratti a piena pagina che doveva ornare l’edizione. 
L'accidentale dispersione degli altri elementi della serie ha indotto a ritenerla frutto un’aggiunta più tarda. Le indagini diagnostiche condotte sul manoscritto in occasione del recente restauro hanno permesso di accertare che, sotto il profilo materiale, il foglio con il ritratto di Marco è perfettamente omogeneo alle storie di Cristo conservate nelle pagine iniziali del volume. 
Altrettanto unitario si rivelo il programma illustrativo del codice. Il ciclo evangelico offre una precoce e raffinatissima trasposizione figurata della concordanza tra Antico e Nuovo Testamento. Non meno elaborata si rivela l’iconografia di Marco, una sofisticata rilettura in chiave cristiana di un soggetto classico. 

[in the background of this page: the Book of Kells, Dublin, Library of the Trinity College, Ms. 58 (A.I.6)]


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